How to install the cutting blade? Technicians teach you the correct installation steps!
来源: | Editer: 佚名 | Time : 2016-06-02 | 100 次浏览 | 分享到:
How to install the cutting blade? Technicians teach you the correct installation steps!

How to install the cutting blade? Today, technicians will come to give the correct installation method. The operation seems simple but requires careful handling. Incidents of operator injury due to incorrect installation are frequent.

Cutting blade installation step 1:

understand the basics Familiar with the operating knowledge of the cutting machine, as well as the scene application. The classification of cutting machines and the maximum cutting power. In the process of use, pay attention to the cutting speed and use time, and carry out regular maintenance and repair. The price of cutting machines in the market is transparent, ranging from high to low. It is necessary to choose a suitable cutting machine according to the company's own situation.

Cutting blade installation step 2:

Check the cutting blade Carefully check the cutting blade, and observe whether there are cracks on the surface of the cutting blade and the phenomenon that the cutting blade is too soft. If one of these phenomena occurs, it should be replaced in time to avoid dangerous accidents during the cutting process.

Step 3 of cutting blade installation:

find the right position Find the location of the cutter's operating axis. Where the bearing housing in the middle protrudes is the shaft locking device. Press the cylinder, turn the shaft with the other hand, and turn it counterclockwise. The best way is to swing the shaft left and right with your hand. After the cylinder pressed at the same time meets the small hole on the shaft, the cylindrical pin enters the hole. The shaft cannot turn.

Step 4 of cutting blade installation:

put in the cutting blade While holding the cylinder, use an adjustable wrench with the other hand to loosen and remove the fastening bolts of the cutting blade. Remove the cutting blade protection disc and paper pad in sequence to prevent damaged cutting blades. Do not take out the protective disc inside, put the new cutting sheet in, then install the paper pad and the protective disc in turn, and tighten them.

Step 5 of the cutting blade installation:

run the cutting blade When you first start cutting, you cannot cut directly, and you have to wait for the cutting machine to idle for about 1-2 minutes. This is to ensure that there are no dangerous accidents when cutting.